Buying a home is a smart financial move, but it packs a big financial commitment. The down payment, moving expenses, taxes and insurance and ever-present repairs take some money to make happen.
It’s vital that soon-to-be homeowners build a up a pretty healthy savings to reach their home ownership goal. Think you just don’t have any extra cash to stockpile? Here are the 8 best ways to save for a house without missing the money.
#1: Attack your budget. Write down your bills and other spending, and ruthlessly chop non-essentials. Expensive cable, big meals out, pricey shoes and other extras all have got to go.
#2: Open a separate savings account. A brand new savings account is one of the best ways to save for a house. Deposit every cent of what you save from implementing all of these savings tips. Watching this specific account grow towards your goal gives you instant gratification that can help spur you along.
#3: Have a yard sale. Most all of us have items we don’t use. Old electronics, clothes, and household items may be someone else’s treasures! Offer to clean out your parent’s and sibling’s garages and include anything they don’t want. Sell it all, and bank the proceeds.
#4: Turn your extra time into cash. If your evenings or weekends are free, find a part-time job and save all of your earnings to build your savings quickly!
#5: Embrace coupons. Using coupons is a wonderful way to save a hundred bucks or more a month towards a house. Clip them, keep them in your wallet and use them diligently. Sock the savings away in your new account.
#6: Pretend bonuses and refunds don’t exist. Make sure your tax refunds and bonuses go in the bank as if they never arrived. These chunks of money will drive you to your goal of homeownership months ahead of nickel and dime savings. Just do it!
#7: Unsubscribe to tempting emails. How often has an email dragged you to a company’s website to purchase something you didn’t truly need? Ditch them.
#8: Discover low cost activities. Most communities offer free options for entertainment. Museums, festivals, and outdoor parks are fun, free ways to spend extra time. Do a little digging and see what goes on in your city.
Take advantage of these 8 best ways to save for a house, and you will be buying a “Home Sweet Home” welcome mat before you know it. If you’re interested in more savings tips and first time home buyer education, download our eBook now!