ADA Accessibility

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It is our policy to ensure the Bank website is accessible by all and we will continue to evaluate improvements to better serve the entire population.

Please note our website includes a “Skip Navigation” link in the top-right corner allowing users to skip to the main content of the page. Additionally, this website functionality includes the ability to navigate using the keyboard: “Tab” allows the user to move to the next available link, “Enter” allows the user to select/click the link and “Spacebar” allows the user to scroll down.

Additionally, all of the major Internet browsers including Chrome, Edge and Safari, have a significant number of tools designed to support accessibility.  In many cases these features are build directly into your existing browsers and are completely free of charge.  Features like:

  • “Read Out Loud” allows users to listen to webpage content as it’s read by the device
  • “Font Control” will let the user control the size of the font on each individual webpage
  • “Color Enhancement” can be enabled to create a website with sharper colors making it easier to read

Please review all of the options available within your specific web browser and ensure you are always using the most up-to-date version.  Mechanics Cooperative Bank encourages feedback that may help increase accessibility and alternative options for customers with disabilities to access the information on our site. Please contact the Vice President of Marketing at 1-888-MECHANICS (632-4264) or via email at with any questions or to provide comments. Thank you.

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