
Jul.12, 2022 in Blog

5 Ways to Improve Your Home Energy Efficiency

Summer is the perfect time of year to invest in the improvement of your home’s energy efficiency before the cold winter weather hits. While some projects may have a higher cost, they may be eligible for financing with a Mass Save Heat Loan

Jul.14, 2021 in Blog

Value-Adding Home Improvements to Increase Your Home Equity

Your home equity is the difference between what you owe on your mortgage and what your home is currently worth. Therefore, as you increase the value of your home, you are also increasing the equity. One of the most rewarding ways to do this is to undergo a value-adding home improvement project.

Jun.15, 2021 in Blog

Best Uses of Home Equity

Home ownership is a great achievement and owning a home means that you’re building up or have already built-up equity in your home that can be used to leverage financing. Utilizing your home equity for financing can be a great financial tool. However, you want to be sure you’re leveraging your home equity for the right reasons since your home is a major financial investment.

May.17, 2021 in Blog

5 Ways to Build Your Home Equity

New to the concept of Home Equity? We wrote this article to help break it down for you, and to fill you in on different methods of boosting your home’s value in the form of equity.



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